St Nicholas Singers
A new adult community choir in Hurst
Directed by Alison Murray

Supported by St. Nicholas School and Church
Do I need to read music?
No previous singing or choir experience is necessary and there is no need to be able to read music. We will use a combination of methods to learn the songs and score will always be available if you want it.
When and how often?
The choir will meet twice a month at 8pm on the first and third Wednesdays of the month during term time.
We will meet in St. Nicholas School Hall.
How much will it cost?
£1 per session paid on the night.
There will eventually be some extra costs for music purchase but they will be kept as low as possible. No-one should feel excluded by the cost of belonging to the choir. If this might be an issue for you then please speak to Alison.
What am I committing to?
To try to come to as many Wednesday sessions as you can — and have fun!
The opportunity to sing for village events and go on workshops may be available. They will be “extras” on a “sign up” only if you want to basis.
So why should I join?
To have fun and meet new people - but it is also becoming widely accepted that singing is actually good for you!
The control of breathing and the concentration required helps you to relax and forget daily problems.
Being part of a friendly fun group and singing together is even better for you and scientific tests have shown that choir singers after a rehearsal have huge increases in the level of feel good hormones in their blood! (Not sure that the cake we intend to share at the end will be good for you though!)
Can I learn things?
There will be the chance to learn some vocal techniques and how to follow and even read music if you want to — you can do as much or as little of the learning side as you want.
There is the opportunity to follow the Royal Schools of Church Music “Voice for Life” community choir scheme if you wish — a graded scheme to support learning of vocal technique and music theory.
Who is organising the choir?
The choir is being started by Alison Murray and initially she is being helped by some friends as “founder members” of the choir. They will undertake the jobs required to get us going - but hopefully others will volunteer to help out before long too!
Both the church and the school are kindly supporting us in this venture. The school is giving us the practical support by allowing us to use the hall, the piano and the kitchen. They will also provide some printing when we need it and support publicity via school bags. The church is giving us use of music scores and certain memberships and licenses. They also helped with distribution of flyers via the bookstall and information on the church website.
Who is Alison Murray?
Alison is the Music Director at St. Nicholas Church and many in the village will recognise her as the “lady playing the piano” at church — for weddings, funerals, school services and the like. She is also a governor at the school and helps to run Hurst Guides.
Before coming to Hurst she ran the music in a large parish in Bracknell including a four part choir a junior choir and a music group. She started her first ever choir aged 7...... and has been singing, playing and conducting ever since, even though her degree is in Physics not music!
What is this choir all about?
St. Nicholas Singers is a new adult community choir open to all over 16.
It is primarily for fun — and a chance to meet new people in the village. We will also aim to raise some money for charity by sharing our music with others when we can.
Will it be a “church” choir?
Although the choir is the idea of Alison Murray, the music director at St. Nicholas church, it is not a church choir.
What will we sing?
The group will sing a mixed programme of music — starting with part songs and rounds to get that “instant harmony” and moving through all genres of music - with as much harmony and fun on the way as possible. Members of the choir will be able to influence the music that we sing.
Will we put on Concerts?
It is all about the fun and enjoyment of singing in a group without the pressure of several big concerts a year, like so many choral groups. We will have performance opportunities to work for but they will not be large scale “compulsory” events!
Our first engagement has already been requested................
How do I join?
Simply turn up at the first session and register!
Or email to request a registration form
St Nicholas Singers
First Session
Wednesday 1st October St. Nicholas School Hall 7.45pm doors open for 8pm start, then meeting twice a month on the first and third Wednesdays of the month.
Contact Details
General Enquiries: 0118 979 6346 or 0118 934 9723
Membership Secretary: 01344 428525