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Monday 4th August 2014

Commemoration of the Start of World War One
St.Nicholas Church, 10:00am
From 10am Church will be open for quiet reflection with a display about some of those from Hurst who lost their lives. In the afternoon a half muffled peal will be rung on the church bells

Commemoration at the War Memorial
Hurst War Memorial, 7:00pm
A short service to remember those affected by the Great War. Lead by Revd Graham Theobald

Songs from the Trenches and the Homefront
The Castle, 8:00pm
Come and join in with singing some of the favourite songs of the time. Words provided - Music lead by Alison Murray - Nibbles provided by Matt. A collection will be made in aid of "Help for Heroes"
Tuesday 5th August 2014

Wednesday 6th August 2014

Thursday 7th August 2014

Friday 8th August 2014

Saturday 9th August 2014

Sunday 10th August 2014