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Monday 15th June 2015

Tuesday 16th June 2015

Wednesday 17th June 2015

Thursday 18th June 2015

Hurst Morris People
Wheelwrights Arms, 8:00pm
Dancing with Kennet Morris
Friday 19th June 2015

Saturday 20th June 2015

Winnersh Summer Fete
Bearwood Recreation Ground, 1:00pm - 4:30pm
A traditional family fete including stalls with games, selling produce, local organisations, etc. Arena displays and many other attractions for all ages. Free entry and parking. See the website for full details.
Sunday 21st June 2015 Fathers Day

Messy Church
St.Nicholas Primary School, 11:00am
At a Messy Service we celebrate God in our community by listening to stories, making things, singing, praying, talking, eating and drinking. Suitable for everyone - adults and children alike!