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Monday 13th June 2016

Tuesday 14th June 2016

Wednesday 15th June 2016

Thursday 16th June 2016

Hurst Morris People
The Green Man, 8:00pm
Help keep an old English custom alive by watching Hurst Morris People and Theale Tattoo dance.
Friday 17th June 2016

Saturday 18th June 2016

Stillness, Quiet, Refection, Space
St.Nicholas Church, 9:00am - 5:00pm
Our beautiful Parish Church will be open for you to come and enjoy these things, whatever your age. In the run up to the E.U. referendum the theme of "Prayer Day 2" is "UNITY". Pop in for as little or as long as you like. There will be interactive installations to help focus our thoughts and prayers for the nation, our community, our loved ones and ourselves. Short services will be held at 9am, 12.30pm & 4.30pm. Come and step into a different place.

Winnersh Summer Fete
Bearwood Recreation Ground, 1:00pm - 4:30pm
A traditional family fete including stalls with games, selling produce, local organisations, etc. Arena displays and many other attractions for all ages. Free entry and parking. See the website for full details.
Sunday 19th June 2016 Fathers Day