Hurst Weather
Friday 13 December 2024 14:23
Temperature 5°C
Feels like 4°C
Wind SSE 2mph, gust 4mph
Visibility Moderate - Between 4-10 km
Precipitation 18%
Max UV index 1
Cloudy with patchy drizzle
Another dull day with widespread low cloud and patchy drizzle at times. Any brighter spells during the afternoon will be short-lived. Winds remaining light throughout. Maximum Temperature 7C.
Remaining cloudy overnight with outbreaks of light rain or drizzle at times and perhaps some patchy fog developing, mostly likely over higher ground. Winds remaining light. Minimum Temperature 4C.
After a cloudy start Saturday with patchy light rain, skies will clear through the morning to give plenty of sunny spells, although remaining chilly. Becoming cloudy again overnight. Maximum Temperature 8C.
Outlook for Sunday to Tuesday:
A cloudy and windy day Sunday but remaining mostly dry. Remaining breezy Monday and Tuesday but with a few brighter interludes likely. Mild throughout.