Hurst, Berkshire
Wooded Hill
A website for Hurst
Hurst n. wooded hill, hillock, wood.
[Old English hyrst, related to Old Saxon,
Old High German hurst, horst]
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Hurst Weather
Saturday 27 July 2024 11:49

Temperature 20°C
Feels like 18°C
Wind W 9mph, gust 11mph
Visibility Very good - Between 20-40 km
Precipitation 5%
Max UV index 5
Sunny spells and a few scattered showers today.

Largely fine and dry, with good spells of sunshine throughout the day. However, the cloud will bubble up during the afternoon, with a few scattered showers breaking out by mid to late afternoon. Feeling warm in the sunshine. Light winds. Maximum Temperature 24C.

Any daytime showers gradually dying away this evening to leave a dry night, with clear spells. Turning cool in some rural spots, with a few fog patches forming by dawn. Minimum Temperature 9C.

Early fog patches soon clearing to leave a fine day, with spells of prolonged sunshine. Feeling warmer than Saturday and more humid too. Light winds. Maximum Temperature 27C.

Outlook for Monday to Wednesday:
Staying mostly fine and dry, with variable amounts of cloud and bright or sunny spells. Feeling very warm, or locally hot, and humid. Light winds. Chance of thunderstorms by Wednesday.

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