Hurst Weather
Friday 17 January 2025 20:31
Temperature 4°C
Feels like 3°C
Wind S 2mph, gust 4mph
Visibility Good - Between 10-20 km
Precipitation 10%
Max UV index 0
Cold. Mostly dry and cloudy.
This Evening and Tonight:
Generally cloudy overnight but largely dry. Cold, with a risk of one or two very isolated frost and fog patches developing, should there be any clear spells. Winds remaining light. Minimum Temperature 1C.
Cold and rather murky. Widely cloudy, though perhaps a few brighter spells developing in the west during the day. Generally dry but perhaps a few snow grains falling. Maximum Temperature 4C.
Outlook for Sunday to Tuesday:
Chilly with variable cloud but some clear or sunny spells through this period. Risk of overnight frosts and some freezing fog patches.