Hurst Weather
Monday 17 February 2025 03:31

Clear night
Temperature -1°C
Feels like -5°C
Wind E 7mph, gust 18mph
Visibility Good - Between 10-20 km
Precipitation 0%
Max UV index 0
Chilly, with plenty of sunshine through the day.
Monday looks set to be another chilly day, although it will be widely sunny through the morning. Staying dry, with high cloud spilling in through the day giving more hazy sunshine at times. Light winds inland, breezier along the coast. Maximum Temperature 6C.
A rather cold night ahead under high cloud, with occasional clear spells possible at times. Inland continuing to see light winds, staying breezy along coasts. Minimum Temperature 1C.
Another cloudy and chilly start on Tuesday, although cloud should give way to bright or sunny spells at times through the day. Breezy, especially along coasts. Rather cold again overnight. Maximum Temperature 7C.
Outlook for Wednesday to Friday:
Cloudy with bright spells on Wednesday, winds briefly strengthening along coasts. Unsettled conditions later in the week with strong winds and rain, but this also bringing in milder temperatures.